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Reese was an American Staffordshire Terrier Mix (unknown) born September 2, 2016. He came into my home June 6, 2018. He passed away June 25, 2020.
Reese has been a loving challenge; he had a horrible fear/distrust of men and oftentimes all strangers. He also had severe leash reactivity as well as fear aggression and was not well socialized with other dogs. We trained with Unleashed Potential K9 and his behaviour had improved greatly.
His hilarious, quirky, and lovable personality is greatly missed in our home. He taught me so many things throughout the short two years that he was with us. He was the greatest cuddle bug and always made us laugh.
His story will not go untold, which is why I wrote Rescuing Reese, based on the true story of finding Reese and bringing him home. More to come!!
Ri-Guy was my hilarious, fun, loveable and goofy Golden boy. He now lives with David and I miss him like crazy. He melts hearts wherever he goes and wherever he goes he's going full speed - watch out.
He has a heart of gold but he was not without his quirks. Leash training has been a lengthy but rewarding process, draining his energy is a daily battle and resource guarding is an issue we have made improvement on.
This guy loves pats and boops and won't hesitate to charge for a dropped piece of food (the aforementioned resource guarding). He will sit outside for hours, especially in the snow. I'm not sure what his journey is like these days but when I sent him off to family with my instructional training videos they couldn't believe that this was the same dog! (who knew he could LISTEN *sarcasm*)
Of my three dogs, he was the only one who had ever showed me aggression (scars to prove it). Simply goes to show you that breed doesn't matter. The 'Golden Family Pet' can have issues too.

Rey (Rey-Ron/Reymond) is my beautiful lady bully breed mix born on July 27th, 2019. She came home on October 5th and has brought me both joy and frustration as I deal with training ups and downs.
She has come so far in our reactivity journey, with ups and downs/ some regression after a few bad encounters in the elevator of our old building. We have since moved but now we are dealing with less exposure as well as less time to consistently train with so many life changes. We are working together through this, learning and growing and doing our best.
Her goal every day is to maximize cuddles. Her favourite thing to eat is sticks (sigh). Her ears are hilarious and her personality is absolutely wonderful. She's mamas little wiggly butt and oh so stinky.
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